Mark the 26th August date on your calendar, and prepare a grand surprise Raksha Bandhan party for your sister. Yeah, sisters can do that too but they take care of that department pretty well, don’t you think so? We are not saying brothers are incapable of surprising their sisters, it just they often forget to do it (there are exceptions though :-p) Anyhow coming back to surprise plan for your sister on Rakhi day, there are plenty of ways to make your sister feel special. Now you must be thinking what are those, right? Well, you can always start with a meaning full gift, obviously, of your sister’s choice, it’s her Raksha Bandhan gift after all. Take her to an amusement park or outdoor picnic maybe? Hmm, what else can be done? If you can’t figure out yourself then follow our list of 7 innovative ways to make your sister feel happy-
Raksha Bandhan gifts for your annoying sister
Gifts are important, and everyone loves to receive them. Period. FACT! No matter what the occasion is your gifts shows how considerate you are towards that person. You may fight with your sister all year long but take Rakhi day as your chance to make it up to her. Here are some quirky out of the box things that you can gift your sister on this Raksha Bandhan day-
1. Buy her a watch so that she becomes a little punctual
We are not saying all girls take million years to get ready but there are a few instances where they actually do. Do you always fight with your sister because she keeps getting late every time you plan an outing with her? Well, end your agony and gift her watch on this Raksha Bandhan day. It’s a funny way to remind of all the time you got late because of her.
2. Buy her a stationery set
Yes, stationary fanatics do exist amongst us and they are totally crazy about the stationary stuff. If your sister is part of that fanatic world, surprise her with a stationary set gift. Quit buying her chocolates on every Rakhi day if she doesn’t like them and you eat them all yourself. After all, it’s her day and HER gift.
3. Get her E-Vouchers when nothing else comes to your mind
Is it hard to choose a gift for your sister because she is too picky about her gifts? It can get difficult to think of a gift if your sister is too hard to please. In such a complicated situation, you can always go for E-vouchers. E-vouchers are great for those who don’t know what could be best for their sisters. Isn’t it a great idea to please you, tough sister?
Raksha Bandhan is the perfect occasion to party with your family
Who says you can’t party with your family? On other days you are more focused on partying with your friends but, take this chance to celebrate with your family. It doesn’t matter who plan it but the family get-togethers are always fun. End this beautiful day with a mesmerising party, believe us your family would love you for this.
4. Light lanterns with your family at a rooftop party
How about having a beautiful rooftop party with your family on this Raksha Bandhan? Lighting lanterns are the best way to end this amazing day. With those lanterns, send prayers for your family to the skies. Book a rooftop place out of the pool of party venues in Delhi NCR and turn the family outing into a magical night.
5. Visit your favourite restaurant and spend some meaningful time with your family
We all have that one restaurant where our father took us whenever we achieved something good in our life. Isn’t it so? It’s time to revisit that restaurant with your family to celebrate ‘a day without fighting with your sibling’. Show your love towards your sibling and treat her well even if it’s on the name of the Raksha Bandhan day. This is the best way to show your superpower to your family!
Raksha Bandhan has a special place in the life of all brothers and sisters. On this special day celebrate your beautiful bond with your sister and fill her day full of surprises. Raksha Bandhan is the perfect occasion to shower your sibling with love and affection, fighting can be resumed from the next day.
The Post “ Raksha Bandhan: 8 Innovative Ways To Make Your Sister Feel Special ” originally published on Sloshout.
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